A VOCAL POLITICIAN from Mt Kenya who had earned
notoriety for allegedly bashing a senior leader, has seemingly restrained
himself. The fellow, after learning that the ground is reportedly slippery, is
treading carefully to ensure the dislike against him doesn’t grow further. Our
mole purportedly heard that the leader has now dispatched his team to consult
with his constituents on whether to back the government, go slow or change
allegiance to another political formation. Facing a dilemma on what could be
his political future, the fiery lawmaker recently shocked Kenyans when in a
rare occurrence he supposedly criticised a government’s flagship programme.
AN UPCOMING VOCAL and articulate activist who joined
an opposition party at the height of rebellion against the government, is
reportedly not happy with operatives of the political outfit. The activist, who
had high hopes of getting a position in the broad-based government, is not
happy that top officials and some leaders in the party are blocking his bid to
meet the party’s leader whom he claimed had purportedly expressed willingness
to give him a position ahead of the next general election. Upon complaining
about this unlikely development, it’s now not known if the activist will
abandon his newfound political home or not.
A PROFESSIONAL IN a senior role in the current regime
is allegedly secretly campaigning for a parliamentary seat in the city. The man
has been purportedly holding meetings with potential voters, facilitating
tournaments, and is expected to soon express interest in the seat openly. An
outspoken top government official is said to be supposedly behind the guru’s
bid. It is said this move has seemingly angered the incumbent lawmaker who has
held the seat for more than 15 years.
THAT A SECTION of the country celebrated Kenya’s defeat at the African Union polls is not news. But what is intriguing is that some of the people who were publicly enthusiastic about the candidate, and even travelled to Addis Ababa in solidarity, apparently popped champagne when news of the outcome filtered in. The lot, who are close allies of the man, allegedly breathed a sigh of relief, telling trusted aides that their re-election is now assured. The loss supposedly strengthened the stake of their party, and even those without senior appointments may get it, they said. Their association with the failed contender is a gift that keeps giving.
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