The 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) has kicked off for the main papers, with over 900,000 students sitting for the exam.
The exam started on October 22, where the candidates took their oral and practical exams for the elective subjects.
On Monday, the candidates will write the English Functional Skills paper during the morning hours, while Chemistry Paper 1 will be administered in the afternoon.
Mathematics Paper 1 will be done on Tuesday morning, and later on in the afternoon, the candidates will write the English comprehension paper.
On Wednesday, the students will sit for Chemistry Paper 2 and English Paper 3 during the morning and afternoon hours respectively.
Kiswahili Lugha (Paper 2) and Kiswahili Insha (Paper 1) will be done on Thursday.
Students will on Friday tackle Chemistry practicals being Paper 3.
On November 11, they will sit for Mathematics Paper 2 and Kiswahi Fasihi ( Paper 3).
The students will write the CRE/IRE/ HRE Paper 1 and Biology Paper 1 exams on November 12.
On November 13, the KNEC timetable shows that the students will do their CRE/IRE/ HRE Paper 2 and History Paper 1 in the afternoon.
Biology Paper 2 and History Paper 2 will be done on November 14, while on the following day, students will sit for Biology Practicals.
On November 18, the students will take Geography Paper 1 in the morning hours and Physics Paper 1 in the evening hours.
On November 19, they will sit for Paper 1s for both Business Studies and Agriculture.
Geography Paper 2 and Physics Paper 2 will be done on Wednesday, November 20.
On November 21, the students will sit for Business Paper 2 and Agriculture Paper 2 in the afternoon.
According to the KNEC 2024 KCSE examination timetable, the last day of the national exams will be November 22, when the candidates will sit the Physics practical.