Kenya Power has listed areas in five counties scheduled to experience power interruptions on Friday.
The areas will face power interruptions from 8am to 5pm.
The utility firm said the power interruption will facilitate system maintenance.
Counties to be affected are Nairobi, Nandi, Kakamega, Vihiga, and Tharaka Nithi.
Parts of Nairobi will face power interruptions from 9am to 5pm.
The areas include Argwings Kodhek Road, Chaka Road, Marcus Garvey, Timau, Tigoni Chaka Mall, Part of George Padmore, French School, Circle Mall and Kilimani Mall.
Areas in Nandi are scheduled for power interruption from 9.30am to 5pm.
The areas include Sarwat, Ainapngetuny, Tachasis, and Old Miteitei.
Areas in Kakamega will face power interruptions from 9am to 5pm.
The areas include Kaburengu Market, Chimoi, Lwandeti Market, Chekalini, Bishop Njenga, Butali Weigh Bridge and adjacent customers.
Parts of Vihiga will face power interruptions from 9am to 5pm.
The areas include Ebwali, Waluka, Mwitokho, Emusenjeli, Mahanga, Havavo, Wambundo, Musunguti, Ligale, Madzuu Girls, Kisienya, Ihyagalo, Itabalia, and adjacent customers.
Tharaka Nithi
Parts of Tharaka Nithi will experience power interruption from 8.30am to 5pm.
The areas are Kariakomo Mission Hospital, Kirumi Coffee Factory, Igwanjau Secondary, Kiarungu, Kabui Secondary, Keria Market, Mwafrika Plant, Imara Dairy, Ruruma Primary, and Riakanugu.