The anti-corruption agency recovered Sh2.9 billion in corruptly acquired assets during the 2023/24 financial year.
In its annual report, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) reported that it traced Sh16 billion in illegally acquired and unexplained assets.
The EACC also stated that it averted the loss of public funds amounting to the same value through proactive investigations.
During the period under review, the Commission finalized and forwarded 126 investigation files on corruption and economic crimes to the Director of Public Prosecutions for review.
Additionally, the EACC monitored 22 public entities to assess their compliance with the implementation of Chapter Six of the Constitution and integrity laws.
The anti-corruption agency recovered Sh2.9 billion in corruptly acquired assets during the 2023/24 financial year.
In its annual report, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) reported that it traced Sh16 billion in illegally acquired and unexplained assets.
The EACC also stated that it averted the loss of public funds amounting to the same value through proactive investigations.
During the period under review, the Commission finalized and forwarded 126 investigation files on corruption and economic crimes to the Director of Public Prosecutions for review.
Additionally, 56 investigation files on violations of Chapter Six of the Constitution and the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012, were concluded, with various recommendations made.
According to the EACC, the Commission recorded 12 convictions on cases of corruption and unethical conduct, resulting in a conviction rate of 26.7 per cent.
In fulfilling its prevention mandate, the Commission conducted system reviews and completed examination reports.
The EACC further reported conducting 35 Corruption Prevention Committee (CPC) training sessions in ministries, departments, agencies, and county governments.
It also sensitized community and professional networks, reaching a total of 12,666 participants.
To promote value-based education in learning institutions, the Commission organized outreach programs in 371 schools, reaching 141,582 learners.
It also engaged 1,452 students from various universities and vocational centres.
The Commission focused on training Integrity Club Patrons, hosting conferences, and sponsoring the Kenya National Drama and Film Festival, where 700 composers were sensitized, and seven trophies were awarded.
The Commission also provided specialized training in corporate governance, audit, and risk management to 13 council members of a university.
Leadership and integrity training was conducted for 43 supervisors while 204 Integrity Assurance Officers (IAOs) from various institutions underwent integrity assurance training.
To ensure compliance with ethical standards under Chapter Six of the Constitution, the Commission reviewed and approved Leadership and Integrity Codes.
It also facilitated the signing and commitment of Leadership and Integrity Codes by 129 state officers and provided technical support to seven public entities in developing and implementing Codes of Conduct and Ethics for their officers.