THE OFFICIALS OF a political party are in panic mode
after an exiled former colleague threatened to expose their dirty dealings.
Corridors of Power has learned that top party honchos working with the
government have been reaching out to their estranged colleague, urging him to
delete any documented evidence of their previous dubious activities. The
youthful leaders, mostly from Mt Kenya region, fear losing their state jobs if
the young man overseas releases the incriminating details. There are reports
the panic is so intense the officials are having sleepless nights and holding
frantic meetings on how to counter the details should they be made public. The dossier is said to be very damaging.
WAS SHEER INCOMPETENCE and open disdain for staff in
a crucial ministry the reason the appointing authority reassigned a top
official? A source — previously a senior staffer at the ministry and now posted
abroad — reveals that the top official, who was moved in the highly publicised
changes, was demonstrably inept and utterly incompetent on many crucial and
strategic government matters. Instead of focusing on actual work, he was more
concerned with public perception, failing to execute his mandate to
expectations. He showed little interest in understanding ministerial briefs and
had no appetite for learning key protocols in his docket. Now in another
ministry, he continues with the same performative antics. Will he be moved
DID A SENIOR politician refuse to sit near— or even
in the same row as—a former ally during a recent trip with a top leader,
despite a seat being reserved by orderlies? The powerful figure, part of the
big man’s delegation, rejected his assigned seat because it was too close to
his former party member—now serving as an ambassador in the host country. He
protested, claiming the man had politically betrayed him and was also too
junior to sit near him. He was overheard ranting that in the past the man had
belittled him and openly rebuked him.
WHAT IS HAPPENING at a key government docket that serves as the face of the country? A little bird whispers to Corridors of Power that major changes in the portfolio—led by a senior Kenya Kwanza official—have affected the quality of communication and documentation. Protocols for organising meetings with leadership keep shifting, leaving partners confused. Some reports appear to be copy-pasted from previous documents, reflecting a concerning lack of diligence and seriousness in their work.
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