Top state officials in panic over looming reshuffle
Meanwhile, those seeking to replace them are eager
Whether he is going to survive the purge, it’s a game of wait-and-see.
In Summary
THE RECENT DECLARATION of vacancies in top government offices has caused panic. A top government official who has allegedly always preferred office more than the field has lately become so active. No one remembers the last time he was seen in office. We are told he gets there as early as 5am and empties the in-tray before going out to inspect development projects. One wonders where he has been all along that he now wants to prove that he is seemingly a workaholic dedicated to his job. He has also been reportedly become a common figure in events of a big man. Whether he is going to survive the purge, it’s a game of wait-and-see.
IS IT TRUE there are also cartels in one of the disciplined services in the country? Well, a senior officer from the service who has allegedly overstayed at a station within a city was overheard whispering that he is untouchable and that unless otherwise, no one can move him to another location without consultation. Our mole whispers that the man was among those to be moved in line with the transfer policy but purportedly corrupted his way. Maybe it is high time the regime streamlines the service.
A COMMUNICATIONS GURU with a key role in the government is reportedly secretly lobbying for a parliamentary seat within the city. The official is said to be fearing the chances of his boss getting back his job. He has allegedly lately been meeting groups from the populous constituency to unseat a long-time lawmaker who isn’t bothered by his antics. According to our mole, power struggles at his workplace is supposedly among reasons the man has opted for new ideas. It remains to be seen whether he would use his network to capture the seat.
ARE SOME WEALTHY businesspeople behind an MP who has sustained attacks on his governor? Well, corridors understands that the lawmaker has been meeting the tycoons who are reportedly unhappy with the governor over alleged harassment. Moles say the tycoons have allegedly been bankrolling the lawmaker to expose the governor and his administration. Recently, the county officials clamped down several premises belonging to the lot, triggering the bad blood. The lawmaker, who is also eyeing the governor seat in the 2027 polls, is now said to be allegedly keen to heighten the attacks.
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Meanwhile, those seeking to replace them are eager