
Junior cops stage party after transfer of Police boss

The celebration at the station was one of a kind, featuring songs and toasts.


Corridors-of-power14 November 2024 - 04:56

In Summary

  • The changes were made in response to a recent high-profile incident that made the headlines.
  • We are told the transferred officers have been harassing their subordinates and demanding bribes.

Corridors of Power

JUNIOR POLICE OFFICERS within a county heaved a sigh of relief after a major transfer targeting their bosses.

The changes were made in response to a recent high-profile incident that made the headlines.

The celebration at the station was one of a kind, featuring songs and toasts.

One would have been forgiven for thinking it was an end-ofyear bash.

We are told the transferred officers have been harassing their subordinates and demanding bribes from those given lighter duties or assigned to the highways to control traffic.


A GOVERNOR AND a senator have surprised residents with their seamless collaboration in service delivery.

The two, who never used to see to eye, have been actively launching projects across the county together and even holding joint meetings in Nairobi, sparking curiosity about their newfound friendship.

Speculation is growing that the second-term governor may be planning to run for the senatorial seat in 2027, with the senator succeeding him. Only time will tell if this partnership will stand.


WAS HE A marked man? It seems a senior official who was recently transferred from a critical agency has been under close monitoring and had his days numbered.

Corridors of Power is informed the man has been sabotaging the implementation of a key programme just to pass the message that it is unpopular.

The man, who worked in the last administration, has been transferred several times since the current administration came to power.

Those in the know say his exit route has been prepared and it is time he smells the coffee.


POWER MUST HAVE corrupted a former legislator who was appointed to a high-profile job that was later nullified.

He is not stopping at anything to prove to anyone that he is still in government and has the blessings of the powers that be.

Whenever he is in the county, he ensures he passes by the office of the county commissioner just to register his presence.

Unknown to many, he purportedly makes these courtesy calls to request for security officers to accompany him when he is around, so that the people can acknowledge him.

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