A police officer based at Kamukunji Police Station in
Nairobi narrowly escaped death after a colleague tried to shoot him in a
dramatic confrontation.
The assailant was later arrested and disarmed after
surrendering to authorities.
The two officers were on patrol in the Muthurwa area when
the incident happened on Wednesday morning.
According to a report filed at Kamukuni Police station, one
of them is said to have excused himself to go and collect his mobile phone,
which he had left charging at a bar in the area at about 2 am.
His colleagues did not know what his mission was.
At the bar, the police signal notes that he encountered
another policeman who was there and accused him of having an affair with his
The confrontation quickly escalated when one of them
allegedly slapped the other.
He then cocked his AK-47 rifle and fired a single shot.
The bullet narrowly missed the target, piercing a metallic
wall and tube grill, police said.
The assailant then left the area and escaped with his gun as
other revelers took cover
The one who was targeted managed to escape unharmed and
reported the incident at Kamukunji Police Station.
Police officers from Kamukunji police visited the scene as
part of the probe into the drama.
The said officer later surrendered and was placed in custody
pending probe and possible arraignment.
His rifle was secured as an exhibit, and investigations are
ongoing, Nairobi police commander George Sedah said.
He added they want to know what motivated the move.
Many police officers are traumatized yet they are on duty.
Some end up killing or harming or dying by suicide.
As part of efforts to address the trend, police authorities
have launched counselling services and the National Police Service Commission
has established a unit and staffed it to attend to their demanding situation.
The counselling unit will, among other things, evaluate,
design and lead an outreach programme that helps prevent mental health and
substance abuse.