
Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi elected CoG chair

Abdullahi has been serving as the CoG vice Chair


News07 October 2024 - 13:54

In Summary

    Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi has unanimously been elected the Council of Governors chairperson.

    Abdullahi has been serving as the CoG vice Chair and will now take over from Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru whose term has come to an end.

    Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga on the other hand was elected the vice chair.

    Governor Kahiga, who has been recognized for his strong leadership in Nyeri County, will now assist Abdullahi in steering the council.

    Those in the contest for chairperson were Abdullahi, Kahiga, Muthomi Njuki (Tharaka Nithi), Joseph Ole Lenku (Kajiado) and Johnson Sakaja (Nairobi).

    Abdullahi's election came after over five hours of deliberations where the county heads from the 47 counties met behind closed doors to discuss key issues affecting devolution among them the rotation of leadership between the Kenya Kwanza and Azimio coalitions.

    Previous CoG chairpersons are; Isaac Ruto (2013-2015), Peter Munya (2015-2017), Josphat Nanok (2017-2019),  Wycliffe Oparanya (2019-2021), Martin Wambora (2021-2022) and Waiguru (2022-2024).

    The CoG at the same time unveiled the new committee heads.

    Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa was named Finance, planning and Economic Planning Committee chair,  Bugoma's Kenneth Lusaka will head the Agricultural and Livestock Committee, Environment, Forestry and Climate Change Committee will be headed by Vihiga's Wilber Otichillo and Garissa County boss Nathif Adam will head the. ASAL and Disaster Response Management Committee.

    Blue Economy committee will be under Paul Otuoma (Busia), Education handled by Edwin Mutai (Kericho), Gender, Youth and Sports Affairs chaired by Simon Kachapin (West Pokot),  Resource Mobilisation and Partnerships held by Simba Arati (Kisii), Legal Affairs committee chaired by Achillo Ayako (Migori) and their Kisumu Counterpart  Peter Anyang' Nyong'o will be in charge of land, housing and urban development -

    Wesley Rotich (Elgeyo Marakwet) will chair ICT and Knowledge management,  Benjamin Cheboi (Baringo) will be in charge of  Security and Foreign Affairs, Patrick Ole Ntutu (Kajiado) manage Tourism and Wildlife-, Transport, Infrastructure and Energy Committee will be handled by Mohamed Ali (Marsabit), Joshua Irungu ( Laikipia) will manage Water and Natural resources management committee and Johnson Sakaja (Nairobi) will chair Human Resources, Labour and social protection committee.

    The rotational leadership structure has been a significant factor in ensuring representation from both sides of the political divide.

    The Council of Governors plays a pivotal role in representing county interests at the national level, and this new leadership team is expected to bring fresh energy to the council’s agenda

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